* Posting or linking to illegal material, such as child pornography or computer viruses, will result in the member's immediate removal from the site.
* Please do NOT send PMs regarding the site to the administrator (Chris), if you have a query, please either use the Feedback Forum or contact a member of the moderating team. PMs sent to Chris regarding the board will either be deleted or forwarded on to a moderator.
* If you feel you are being harassed/abused on the site, report the relevant thread(s) and a member of the moderating team will investigate. Please be aware that you are expected to use the ignore member feature in the first instance.
* This is our little community and if you want to stick around there are few guidelines I would everyone to adhere to:
* Do Not Spam the Forum: If I feel you are spamming with useless junk, or creating new threads for topics that already exist you will get a PM with instructions on how to use the search feature. Continue to spam and you will get a warning. It will go on from there depending on how you act.
* This is an internet forum. As is the nature, sooner or later your favourite artist is gonna get ripped on and made fun of. Suck it up, princess. Trashing is cool as long as it is humorous and not petty and vindictive. ie: You can rip on Kylie for her vocal weaknesses, abuse of plastic surgery etc but it's not okay to rip on her about the fact that she can't have kids due to the cancer.
* If personal attacks go too far expect to get a warning or a suspension from myself or someone else on the moderating team.
* This place is meant to be about the love and not the bitchiness. There are other forums you can go to if you want a good bitch fight / flame war. They aren't needed or required here.
* I am going to do my best to ensure everyone is treated equal regardless of post count, personal alliances etc....
* Please keep your posts in the correct section of the forum, or they will be moved/deleted by the moderating team.
* The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of FlopPOP.
* Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message.
* You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by FlopPOP.
* Please do NOT send PMs regarding the site to the administrator (Chris), if you have a query, please either use the Feedback Forum or contact a member of the moderating team. PMs sent to Chris regarding the board will either be deleted or forwarded on to a moderator.
* If you feel you are being harassed/abused on the site, report the relevant thread(s) and a member of the moderating team will investigate. Please be aware that you are expected to use the ignore member feature in the first instance.
* This is our little community and if you want to stick around there are few guidelines I would everyone to adhere to:
* Do Not Spam the Forum: If I feel you are spamming with useless junk, or creating new threads for topics that already exist you will get a PM with instructions on how to use the search feature. Continue to spam and you will get a warning. It will go on from there depending on how you act.
* This is an internet forum. As is the nature, sooner or later your favourite artist is gonna get ripped on and made fun of. Suck it up, princess. Trashing is cool as long as it is humorous and not petty and vindictive. ie: You can rip on Kylie for her vocal weaknesses, abuse of plastic surgery etc but it's not okay to rip on her about the fact that she can't have kids due to the cancer.
* If personal attacks go too far expect to get a warning or a suspension from myself or someone else on the moderating team.
* This place is meant to be about the love and not the bitchiness. There are other forums you can go to if you want a good bitch fight / flame war. They aren't needed or required here.
* I am going to do my best to ensure everyone is treated equal regardless of post count, personal alliances etc....
* Please keep your posts in the correct section of the forum, or they will be moved/deleted by the moderating team.
* The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of FlopPOP.
* Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message.
* You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by FlopPOP.